Trainee story

Jenai has always been ready to take on a new challenge. Growing up in a home where there were more ingredients than prepared food, she had to quickly learn how to throw things together to make something that tasted good. As she grew older, she spent more time in the kitchen with her mother and grandmother, developing her palate and experimenting with new flavors. These moments in the kitchen with her family became even more precious as she moved frequently during her childhood. She was thrilled to be placed at Left Bank Brasserie under the guise of Chef Christain Luxton; they were able to work together to grow Jenai’s kitchen skills.

During her internship, Jenai has grown exponentially, transforming from being nervous about chopping onions to confidently working the line by herself. She has honed her knife skills and gained a deeper understanding of different flavor profiles. Her favorite part has been trying all the different foods. Not only have her skills grown, but so have her relationships with her coworkers. Jenai has always spoken highly of the welcoming environment at Left Bank Brasserie during her weekly calls with program coordinator Ava.

This program has allowed Jenai to realize that the workplace can be an enjoyable experience. Before this internship, she believed that going to work was inherently miserable. However, her time at Left Bank Brasserie has shown her that work can be fun and fulfilling. She is grateful to be in an environment where people make jokes and are excited to be there, making work something she looks forward to. Jenai hopes to continue working at Left Bank Brasserie after her internship ends and plans to put herself through college.

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Jobs Change Lives. Kitchens Heal. It Takes a Village

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1 Mandalay Place Unit 1503
South San Francisco 94080