Trainee story

One skill that Sprouts chef mentors repeatedly stress is for chef trainees to have a "sense of urgency" in completing tasks, to ensure they are done in a timely manner. Juno Ng is no stranger to being ready at a moment's notice. They shared that about a year prior to their internship, they were riding in the car with their dad and brother, when Juno's father, who was driving the vehicle, had a heart attack. Juno said the car started to roll forward into traffic and they and their brother had to move quickly to step on the brake and get their dad to the hospital. While Juno's dad has since recovered, Juno says the experience taught them to be prepared for everything to change at a moment's notice. Juno used this hard-earned situational awareness to their advantage when interning at Mister Jiu's restaurant under mentor Chef Brandon Jew.While interning at Mister Jiu's, Juno got a chance to work with many of the kitchen staff. They appreciated that the other cooks were kind and good at demonstrating new cooking techniques. Juno got experience plating, labeling food, measuring ingredients, and of course, practicing their knife skills. One day, Juno spent about five hours chopping peppers, and was proud to report that because of their extensive practice, they could now pit a pepper in 3 seconds or less! Juno hopes to continue working on their precision knife skills, such as being able to very finely slice a kumquat, as they've seen the other folks at Mister Jiu's do.Juno loves cooking and knows the skills they're learning will help them become independent as they enter the working world. Their goal moving forward is to go to college and then find a job that allows them to move out of their family home and live on their own. Juno is grateful for their internship experience for opening up career opportunities for them.When Juno is not cooking or baking, they enjoy bike-riding and hanging out with friends. They are also a self-described foodieand enjoy sampling Japanese, Korean, and Chinese cuisine. Sprouts is excited for Juno to pursue their independence and knows that their adaptability, communication skills, and eagerness to learn will serve them well in the years to come.

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Jobs Change Lives. Kitchens Heal. It Takes a Village

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1 Mandalay Place Unit 1503
South San Francisco 94080