Trainee story

From a young age, Keila faced language and cultural barriers with courage. The Spanish she spoke at home with family couldn't prepare her for school, where teachers spoke in English and fellow students relied on unfamiliar cultural cues. She might have turned to frustration, but instead, Keila leaned into curiosity to navigate the challenge. She took full advantage of her education, growing open-minded and trying new things. Food was one of Keila's favorite ways to connect with her classmates and explore different cultures. She was astounded by the variety of methods and dishes there were to try! She spent hours cooking with her mom, learning techniques on Youtube, and studying cookbooks. She knew she wanted to try her luck as a professional cook, and Sprouts Chef Training Program represented exactly that! Keila was placed with Mentor Chef Laurence for an internship at Nopa Restaurant. In the future, she hopes her passion for learning will make her a better chef and pave the way for a fulfilling and joyful career.

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Jobs Change Lives. Kitchens Heal. It Takes a Village

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1 Mandalay Place Unit 1503
South San Francisco 94080