Ry M.

Age at internship


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Ry M.

Trainee story

Ry describes putting their hands on cookware for the first time as a “lightning bolt moment.” Ry elaborates on this epiphany, saying: “I can do this. I can create good meals and express myself through cooking.” For Ry, cooking has always been an important part of their background. Growing up, their family placed a lot of emphasis on sharing a meal together and making sure everyone got their fill. Ry also studies cooking in their free time, watching Food Network and cooking Youtube channels like Binging with Babish. Ry’s family influence of eating good, filling food and their passion for cooking eventually led Ry to intern as a Sprouts Chef Trainee at Foreign Cinema, under mentor Chefs Gayle Pirie and Eric Gibbs. At Foreign Cinema, Ry especially enjoyed setting up the workspace when starting a big prep job, such as cutting pounds and pounds of carrots for hours. They described the joy in making the space as efficient as possible for the task at hand, and how grounding it feels to just focus on one thing for an extended period of time. It also helped Ry figure out how to refine their knife skills and get lots of time to put those skills into practice. Ry also found the kitchen space a place where they could really hone in on the task at hand, even in a noisy environment. The noises from the general business in the kitchen helped Ry learn to project their voice and make themselves heard above the din.Working at Foreign Cinema has really solidified for Ry that they want to work in a restaurant space going forward, and even open up a restaurant of their own someday! Ry envisions an eatery where all are welcome to spend time and enjoy the calming atmosphere, and believes someone’s inability to pay for food should not be a barrier to entry. When Ry is not cooking, they enjoy music, literature, film, and games (which in their opinion incorporates aspects of all of the above). The Sprouts team looks forward to seeing Ry’s restaurant come to fruition, and wishes them the best of luck making their dream a reality!

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Jobs Change Lives. Kitchens Heal. It Takes a Village

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1 Mandalay Place Unit 1503
South San Francisco 94080