Trainee story

Zach has always considered cooking a fun hobby. At home, Zach enjoys making dishes like soup or scrambled eggs. However, Zach wanted to expand his recipe repertoire and be able to cook delicious meals for himself independently. This interest led Zach to intern at Atelier Crenn, under mentorship from Chef Francois.The folks at Atelier Crenn welcomed Zach warmly upon the start of his internship. Chef Francois even made sure Zach’s schedule coincided with Atelier Crenn’s family meal so that Zach had a chance to eat and bond with the other kitchen staff. Zach enjoyed helpful demonstrations by his chef mentor when learning new kitchen techniques, and also that he got to work a bit with everyone as he moved from task to task. Zach says he enjoyed everything about getting to work in a commercial kitchen. A skill set he greatly improved over the course of his internship were his knife skills. He enjoyed learning the best techniques for cutting things like broccoli and cilantro. He also practiced preparing garnishes, like when he cut nasturtium leaves from their stems with scissors to decorate that evening’s meal.When Zach isn’t in the kitchen, he enjoys watching basketball or football and hanging out with friends. He also plays pickleball from time to time. Zach is grateful for his internship for being part of his path towards independence. When it comes to creating a bright future for himself, we know the ball is in Zach’s court!

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Jobs Change Lives. Kitchens Heal. It Takes a Village

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South San Francisco 94080